2022 12 06 Overslept coz rash pills again :( Osaka Japan Animal Cafe tours and others - Video

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2022 12 06 Overslept coz rash pills again :( Osaka Japan Animal Cafe tours and others

0:00:00 Hi overslept again
0:27:20 Garbing a breakfast
0:48:53 All these arcades on the way
1:34:32 Hedgehog cafe
2:35:44 Owl cafe
4:19:35 Reptile cafe
5:32:28 Trip to Shinsekai
6:31:14 Catching my own dinner
7:25:55 Now getting some real food
7:41:41 In search of panties vending machine
8:09:49 Trip to muscle bar second attempt
8:48:23 Muscle bar fun time

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