2023 10 16 Arizona Sunrise Hiking + exploring Arizona - Video

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2023 10 16 Arizona Sunrise Hiking + exploring Arizona

0:00:00 Early early morning!
0:41:36 Trip to mountain before sunrise
1:10:40 Sunrise hike up a mountain
2:13:27 Amazing morning view
2:34:41 Hike back down before it's too hot
3:48:04 Strong start of the day demands strong breakfast
4:04:10 Nice filling breakfast
4:45:44 Off to next destination
5:16:22 Exploring Old Town Scottsdale
6:25:12 Trip to botanical garden
6:41:24 Petting all the cactuses
7:21:44 Pretty butterflies all around me
8:17:27 Lets go get some lunch
8:43:09 One more fast food off the list
9:09:18 Is my backpack here yet?

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