A SECOND STREAM? Epic Cold War Gayming | Wendigoon Easter Egg Extravaganza Cold War Zombies - Video

Hello there fellow zombie slayers! My name is Stanley557 and this is the two hundredth-and fortieth livestream! Today I'm proud to announce we'll be playing Cold War Zombies with the one and only @Wendigoon ! Joining us today will also be @Jrrizzo! Also joining us tonight is Aidan Matthis, owner of @TheLoreLodge

Creators in this series include:
@Jrrizzo @Wendigoon @Freckleston1 @Cruppz @KrazyRabb1t @MrTLexify

Thank you to https://twitter.com/Legitmategamerz for the kissing Richtofen render

Donation Link: https://streamlabs.com/stanley557

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Link: ​https://discord.gg/DTUdG5tGjX

Also try out our new emotes! Brought to you by BTTV (Better Twitch TV)

Usable emotes:
catJAM Sadge OOOO Pog Cheems D: Drake Stanley557 KEKW modCheck Wide1 Wide2 Nerd557 PotFriend Pet557

Do you like the music you hear? Listen to these talented artists:
Brain Tuey: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmt0r8iGURsfN78VnpzBPAw

Lhugueny: https://www.youtube.com/user/lhugueny

Jack Wall: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzlXnkywWzOJnxZyk71cDJA

Kevin Sherwood: https://www.youtube.com/user/KSherwoodOps
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