Dank Jank: Bitter Triumph Reanimator | MKM Standard | Mtg Arena - Video

Bitter Triumph is the perfect removal spell for reanimator decks, so it's surprising it doesn't show up in them more often. So today, we take an Orzhov pile featuring Invasion of Tolvada and Kaya into the Arena to see if the deck can triumph!
Decklist: https://decks.tcgplayer.com/magic/standard/sbmtgdev/orzhov-triumph/1428854

Top 10 Budget Cards in Standard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F60IE_H3ygg

More Gameplay - Hidetsugu Consumes All is Awesome Right Now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5M7l76cCR0&t=373s

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