Does faith heal? Hot question for Charismatics | Dr. Mikael Stenhammar - Video

In this video Dr. Mikael Stenhammar speaks to the question: does faith heal? And what did Jesus actually mean by saying “your
faith has healed you”? Did Jesus ascribe healing power to faith as Charismatics in the Faith & Prosperity
Gospel movement claims? We will look at all the seven times Jesus used the phrase "your faith" in the Gospels to find out what he really meant. We need to look at these questions as how you answer them greatly affects the
way you approach faith, healing, and ultimately your relationship with God.

0:00 Does faith heal? Introduction
1:25 My position on healing
3:08 The woman with a flow of blood
6:33 The two blind men
9:58 Blind Bartimaeus
12:35 The Samaritan man
14:23 The repentant woman
16:24 The disciples in the storm
18:16 Peter before his test of faith
19:15 Conclusion

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