Dome Romantik - Visual Upgrade Stream and Chat with Developer - Video

For my second stream a got an appropriate space suit and talked about doing hot tub streams in the future. Oh, and how we spent the past 2 months reworking Domes graphics, iterating on style until we finally arrived at something we feel good with. It was arduous at times, and daunting, but ultimately fun and fruitful.

Wishlist Dome on Steam:

7:17 - first concepts
16:55 - keeper concepts in double resolution
22:44 - first light test with normal maps, double resolution
28:00 - leaving the more realistic style behind
35:44 - spider laser :)
38:47 - new, final dome concepts
44:34 - Q&A

I was reading the chat and interacting - i forgot to read questions a lot of the times, so i'm sorry if it's a bit hard to follow or seems random at times.
Twitch Hot Tub
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