By popular demand — ALL the steps of pouring zinc spelted sockets in one short! Since we only have 60 seconds, we just touched on each step. This is NOT intended to be an instructional video. (We have adequate ventilation and all the standard PPE for working with molten zinc.)
1. Clean and flower the wire rope ends thoroughly so the melted zinc can fill the voids.
2. Fit the socket over the flowered end, seal with a special putty to keep the zinc from leaking out, and sprinkle with a compound designed to help the zinc stick to the wire rope and socket.
3. Pre-heat the socket to remove any moisture in the metal.
4. Pour pre-melted zinc into the socket, tap to remove bubbles and help everything settle (like pouring concrete).
5. Remove the putty and use a steel brush to remove any spilled zinc.
6. Dip entire end into hot tar to seal everything in and protect against the elements during service.
How cool — or perhaps HOT — is that? Let's hear it for a 100% termination efficiency fitting!
#WireRope #LiftingSolutions #TrusttheLift
1. Clean and flower the wire rope ends thoroughly so the melted zinc can fill the voids.
2. Fit the socket over the flowered end, seal with a special putty to keep the zinc from leaking out, and sprinkle with a compound designed to help the zinc stick to the wire rope and socket.
3. Pre-heat the socket to remove any moisture in the metal.
4. Pour pre-melted zinc into the socket, tap to remove bubbles and help everything settle (like pouring concrete).
5. Remove the putty and use a steel brush to remove any spilled zinc.
6. Dip entire end into hot tar to seal everything in and protect against the elements during service.
How cool — or perhaps HOT — is that? Let's hear it for a 100% termination efficiency fitting!
#WireRope #LiftingSolutions #TrusttheLift
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