Faith United Methodist Church - St. Anthony, MN Live Stream - Video

Faith UMC, St. Anthony, MN Sunday Service live stream for the First Sunday of Advent, December 3, 2023. Please take a few minutes after the service to fill out our online survey:

Adult Sunday School today, 9 am. Two choices:

· Faith Forum (Current topics), Ebenezer Room

· Bible Study, Conference Room (Using Instant Bible Studies for Small Groups, by Barry Davis.)

Advent Event: We encourage all to join at the church on December 2 as we have an inter-generational morning (9 to 11:30 am) of decorating the church along with activities and treats.

Christmas Concerts: Faith will be hosting two Christmas Concerts. Plan to enjoy some good music!
• Christmas Band Concert at Faith: Come and enjoy the holiday sounds of the Robbinsdale City Band, under the direction of Chad Green on Thursday, December 14, at 7 pm, in our worship Center. No tickets or admission cost for this concert.
• High School Christmas Concert at Faith: Thursday, December 21, 11 am, the St Anthony High School Jazz Band and Concert Choir will be here, in our Worship Center, to entertain us. Following the concert there will be a free lunch in Fellowship Hall. You will be amazed by the quality of the sound produced by these talented young people! The concert is free.

Quiet Christmas: On Wednesday, December 20, at 6:30 pm, we will be having a Quiet Christmas worship service. This can be an especially helpful for those who have experienced a loss during the past year. Loss looks different to each person. It could be the loss of a loved one, a job, family home, or any life experience. Some of us just need a quiet space, away from the bustle and extra people or find the deep darkness of winter to be difficult. Be sure to invite your friends and neighbors who may desire this special time.

Christmas Eve Services at Faith:

• 10:30 am, 4th Sunday of Advent, Special Handbell music and treats!
• 5:00 pm, Children’s Program
• 7:00 pm, Communion and choir

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