In the heart of the cruel world of poverty, the large Bakhtiari family is living in the worst conditions of their lives. The life consists of an old mother and father and a son named Abulfazl, who himself has five children. In this story, we witness that this family, after the war and family and ethnic strife, which caused them to lose their homes, sought refuge in their single sloping land, but they were able to build new homes and sustainable agriculture for themselves and their children's future. And make sure to do it today
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1. #NomadsofIran
2. #InspiringEndurance
3. #NomadicWomen
4. #ResilientNomads
5. #IranianNomadicLife
6. #NomadicWarriors
7. #NomadEmpowerment
8. #CulturalHeritage
9. #WomenOfIran
10. #StrengthInAdversity
11. #NomadicLifestyle
12. #EmpoweredNomads
13. #LifeInTheDesert
14. #NomadicPride
15. #IranianCulture
16. #NomadicTraditions
17. #FemaleWarriors
18. #NomadicCommunity
19. #EnduranceJourney
20. #LegacyOfResilience
21. #NomadInspiration
22. #NomadSurvival
23. #StrengthAndCourage
24. #IranianHeritage
25. #NomadicStories
26. #EmpoweringWomen
27. #NomadicAdventure
28. #UnbreakableSpirit
29. #NomadicResilience
30. #NomadicChallenges
#new #love #india #iran #amrica #gaming #edit #news #games # #like #art #bride
1. #NomadsofIran
2. #InspiringEndurance
3. #NomadicWomen
4. #ResilientNomads
5. #IranianNomadicLife
6. #NomadicWarriors
7. #NomadEmpowerment
8. #CulturalHeritage
9. #WomenOfIran
10. #StrengthInAdversity
11. #NomadicLifestyle
12. #EmpoweredNomads
13. #LifeInTheDesert
14. #NomadicPride
15. #IranianCulture
16. #NomadicTraditions
17. #FemaleWarriors
18. #NomadicCommunity
19. #EnduranceJourney
20. #LegacyOfResilience
21. #NomadInspiration
22. #NomadSurvival
23. #StrengthAndCourage
24. #IranianHeritage
25. #NomadicStories
26. #EmpoweringWomen
27. #NomadicAdventure
28. #UnbreakableSpirit
29. #NomadicResilience
30. #NomadicChallenges
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