Hard to Kill (1990) - Jaboody Dubs Full Movie Commentary - Video

This channel is dedicated to the Full Movie Commentary Tracks made by the Jaboody Dubs Patreon. Follow the instructions in the video to sync up the commentary track with your own copy of the movie. We cannot provide the full movie because of YouTube's copyright system. We plan on updating this channel every month with more commentary tracks in the back log. If you have any questions or requests please forward them to our Discord.

Jaboody Dubs Patreon (Weekly Commentary Tracks) ► http://www.patreon.com/jaboodydubs

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DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/jaboody
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WEBSITE ► http://www.jaboody.com/

MERCH ► https://teespring.com/stores/jaboodystore

Follow our Personal Accounts:
Justin ► http://www.instagram.com/jaboodyjustin
Pops ► http://www.instagram.com/jaboodypops
Lewie ► https://twitch.tv/lewnaticlive
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jaboody, dubs, full
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