Has the WALKOUT been SUCCESSFUL? Is there an END in sight?! WILL SUMMER SPLIT GO ON? | HLL 277 - Video

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00:00:00 Intro
00:24:33 RogersGalaxy's take: LCSPA Phil needs to be fired
00:41:43 Ika's take: Phil's asks were poorly communicated and not reasonable
01:09:05 Zemelci's take: it would be in the self interest of LEC players to walkout in solidarity with the LCS because if this walkout fails then it signs a death warrant for the negotiating power for both regions
01:26:45 bang's take: LCS should buy back TSMs spot and use it for Valorant Style relegation
01:36:22 squizzomatic's take: DL is an embarassment to the LCS and should not be welcome in the league anymore
01:59:50 fez's take: letting T2 be its own thing is the best thing that could happen to NA, LCSPA demands are the worst for this
02:14:05 Outro
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