Hot Tub Maintenance: Balancing Water Alkalinity - Video

Balancing Water Alkalinity and Hardness in Your Hot Tub. This video provides guidance on how to maintain a hot tub by balancing water alkalinity, controlling pH levels, and protecting the hot tub from water impurities. To balance the alkalinity of the water, the video recommends testing the water's total alkalinity twice a week and adjusting it accordingly by using pH increaser or pH decreaser. It is crucial to keep the alkalinity level between 80 and 120ppm to resist pH changes. To protect the hot tub from water impurities, the video suggests measuring the calcium hardness of the water when cool, adding hardness increaser to low calcium water, and removing hard water if too much calcium is present. The video also provides step-by-step instructions for adding chemicals to the hot tub and testing the water's pH and total alkalinity. By following these maintenance tips, hot tub owners can ensure optimal operation of their hot tubs and avoid problems such as scale build-up or corrosion.
Twitch Hot Tub
balancing water alkalinity, hot tub maintenance, hot tub water maintenance
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