How to Clean Your Hot Spring® or Hot Spot® Hot Tub Filter - Video

Regular hot tub maintenance includes cleaning spa filters on a regular schedule. This will ensure the best performance for a clean spa. There are a few methods for cleaning your spa filter. This video shows you how to locate the hot tub filter in the filter housing and the three options to clean your Hot Spring or Hot Spot spa filter.

To remove the spa filter, turn off the power to your hot tub. Open the filter lid and remove the filter.

Clean your Hot Spring Spas hot tub filter using one of 3 cleaning options:

1. Use a garden hose to rinse the filter.
2. Spray the filter with a spa filter cleaner or degreaser, then rinse with a garden hose.
3. Spray the filter with a spa filter cleaner or degreaser, let soak overnight, then rinse with a garden hose.

Once your filter is cleaned, replace the filter and turn the power back on. Regular monthly filter cleaning is an important hot tub maintenance that will extend the life of your filter. When cleaning the spa filter, always inspect for signs of wear and tear. A hot tub filter replacement is needed when the hot tub filter is discolored or shows wear on the rubber.
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