How Will Preordain Impact Yawg Players? | Yawgmoth | Modern | MTGO - Video

Spoilers: it won't...well, maybe we'll need more Veils and Endurances in the sideboard, but that's about it. We still need to deal with the Ring for a while it seems ????.

Thanks for coming by and checking out the channel, I really appreciate it! :)

Video Chapters:
00:00:00 Deck Tech
00:03:04 Game 1 (Scapeshift/Titan)
00:11:55 Game 2 (Jund)
00:32:06 Game 3 (Murktide)
01:05:57 Game 4 (Hammer)
01:23:37 Game 5 (Rhinos)
01:56:43 Post-Game Thoughts

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