Leo's faith crisis and how it inspired him to start the Uplift Community of Faith to help others - Video

"So that is what I needed to do, find a way to trust my leaders again and their humanity, they are human. And being able to trust that God can still work miracles through these humans. He can and he does! He has done amazing things through me - and I know me, and I know my problems and I know that The Lord has worked miracles through me! I've seen it! If God can work through someone like Leo and do some pretty great things. Not because of me, but because of Him, then I know that through personal experience, and have seen that amazing miracle. I know that through the church Christ is working and that is the miracle of the church. And once I saw that everything made sense."

We are a podcast committed to sharing the inspiring stories of people that have left The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and through much adversity, have overcome their challenges and returned to their faith.

Why I am doing this podcast: https://youtu.be/OuUc50iasa4

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