MOATS Ep 162 with George Galloway - Video

GEORGE GALLOWAY | And the Mother Of All Talk Shows #162

00:00 Intro
05:24 George’s Monologue
29:56 MUBARAK MUGABO on China and BRICS
46:10 KIT KLARENBERG of @The Grayzone on Paul Mason #Masongate Jeremy Corbyn’s interview with declassified and deep state actions against him
1:08:30 George’s Film Short on Railway Strikes and RMT’s Mick Lynch
1:20:34 @Garland Nixon on Biden RoeVWade Supreme Court., Pelosi, Democratic Party
1:40:36 Gayatri Social Media Roundup
1:52:37 MARK SEDDON on the UK Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer and RMT rail strike
2:09:04 George on Ghislaine Maxwell sentencing
2:13:18 MARIA FARMER on Maxwell and Epstein
2:38:10 GWEN BURNYEAT on Colombia
3:02:30 George on the anniversary of US war on Korea today in 1950

1:36:45 Karen from New York
1:39:18 Edward from Oregon
2:26:06 Anthony from Westgate on Sea
2:28:17 Brian from Canada
2:30:08 E from New York
2:32:28 Atilla from California
2:49:56 Yuri from Virginia
2:55:40 Chuck from San Diego
3:00:12 Kenny from Acton
Twitch Hot Tub
George Galloway, Biden, US politics
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