RSN & MFW Reacting To Nader & Dee Dee's Mess While Discussing Foodie Beauty (July 2022) - Video

CJ suggests that Chantal paid Nader to do her. He says he thinks Nader is more honest than Chantal because of all the inconsistencies in Chantal's stories.

Katey loves to talk about Foodie's negative qualities because she is jealous of her popularity on YouTube and the income that goes along with it. She thinks she looked better at her highest weight than Chantal does now.

According to Katey, the only excuse someone would have for not posting photos with their "man" on social media would be because he is married, like Playboy. She thinks she knows how an abuse victim is suppose to act, denial is apparently not a factor.

Katey doesn't know why Nader was called Dom in the beginning of their relationship. We look at the origins of Chantal and Nader's relationship where she burned all the red flags he was giving her in the first 7 days of meeting.

CJ and Katey review the video leaked of Nader terrorizing Dee Dee, the video of their explanation for the violence, and Foodie's reaction to the leaked video.

Nader threatens Chantal's life saying if he goes to jail because of her, he's coming for her. Nader tells Dee Dee he eats people while she cries out for help from her father who has passed.

In the video of them making excuses for the leaked video, they indicate the police had visited the residence and he were able to wiggle out of another assault charge.

Foodie indicates she is going to refile the charges she had retracted on Nader now that he is recorded being the monster she has been saying he was. They agree that if Chantal would keep her story straight instead of protecting Nader, she might be less scrutinized.

Katey gives advice to Foodie and Dee Dee telling them what they should have done instead of letting him hit them.

There is a consensus that Nader is creepy and 0% attractive. The low self esteem of the women he chooses help him to cover up his crimes because they don't know what real love is.

Isaac Guest joins the panel, sounding as baked as Larry, along with Smelly Cat to discuss the leaked video. Katey asks Isaac if he's going to deplatform Nader, someone who deserves it, because she knows the damage Isaac can do firsthand. She asks him if he can help her get her channel back to which he says there might be a way he can help her.

Truth Is video The First 7 Days:

July 1, 12, 13, 23, 29, 2022
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ms fucking wonderful, drama starz, alcohol
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