Save Money Maintaining Your Pool or Hot Tub With Ocion Blue - Video

Do you like saving money??

We get asked a lot, "How much money will I save by switching to Ocion Blue?"

It’s hard to give anyone a direct answer to this question because pool & hot tub size always differs, as does pool & hot tub habits/behaviour. ⁣

Here’s what I CAN tell you: Ocion Blue IS going to save you money in the long run. ⁣

????You’ll spend 90% less on chlorine or bromine⁣
????You’ll spend 75% less on other water balancing chemicals⁣
????You’ll save money on pool liners, filters, hot tub head rests, hot tub covers, pool & hot tub chlorine generators, etc. because Ocion Blue is safe & gentle and doesn’t deteriorate these things like chlorine does⁣
????You’ll save money on swimwear, because again, Ocion Blue won’t eat at the fabrics (but you have my permission to buy as many swimsuits as you want ????)⁣
????You can save on opening & closing pool costs since Ocion Blue provides year-round protection⁣
????You’ll save on water costs, since you can extend the need to drain your hot tub to every 6-7 months⁣

And the list goes on...⁣

Do you wonder if Ocion Blue is a good fit for you? Reach out & we can give you more information.⁣

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