The Joy of Ghibli: An intro to Japanese Anime Legends Studio Ghibli's Filmography スタジオジブリ - Video

The Joy of Ghibli- an introduction to Japan's finest animation studio.

I often want to talk about my interest on my channel, but I haven't really found a good way to talk about it. But today I wanted to introduce one of my favourite Japanese anime studios, Studio Ghibli.

In this video I will introduce the three most notable directors, and a history of their filmographies. I will introduce themes of the movies, and recommend places for you to visit in Japan that are inspired by or inspirations for Ghibli. I hope you enjoy it!

All rights to the pictures displayed belong to the copyright holders, and are not used for profit, and this video is not monetised.

If you want to leave a comment, please go ahead - but keep it positive, tell me an movie you love too, I'm interested to hear more!

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Intro music by Coyote Kisses
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