The Sad Truth Behind the Plants vs. Zombies Reboot(s) - Video

There’s a reason all the new Plants vs. Zombies media has been failing; it’s tied to the franchise’s terrible reboots. Since 2020, PopCap and EA have been adamant about changing what made PvZ great, all in pursuit of more money. Ironically, these decisions have only hurt the franchise, leading to failed games and low community interest. In this video, I go through what led to the first reboot, everything it changed, the brand-new reboot that began in 2024, and the sad truth behind it all.

0:00 Intro
0:24 How Did We Get Here?
3:44 Time 4 A Reboot
5:37 The Second Reboot

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Music Order:
Choose Your Seeds - Plants vs. Zombies
Graveyard Ops Wave (B) (Low) - Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
Thing Of It Is (Medium) - Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
Loggy Acres Payload - Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville
Mid Wave A (Far Future) - Plants vs. Zombies 2
Zen Garden - Plants vs. Zombies
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