TRDQ: The Secret Hot Tub Podcast Episode 2 - with @ChrisMcFeely - Video

I hope you're feelyin' good as we enter into Episode 2 of the SHTP - as our guest is Chris McFeely - the 'hard man' of the Transformers fandom.

We talk Transformers, Youtubin' and of course I lay out some home truths that will destroy Chris forever.

A wonderful fella that you can find here:

And Check out Sonic the Comic the Podcast here:

Thanks for all the kind words and support - if you'd like to help TRDQ and SHTP grow - please consider the Patreon at

Also yeah, I didn't go with the audio visualiser on the thumbnail this time. It's a faff and frankly adds nothing. If you disagree, go sit on a doorstep until a dog barks.
Twitch Hot Tub
TRDQ, Transformers, Chuckles
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