Trust in your intuition! #shorts #adhdentrepreneur #podia #womenempowerment - Video

True story…

A couple of years ago, I was trying to get my husband to dream with me about his perfect day. He’s not one that loves the “woo-woo” like me, but that’s ok.

I told him (and I wrote it down!) that I don’t know where we are geographically, but we wake up in a cozy bedroom together, the kids are off to school and wherever we are, they can walk there…

And whenever we convene at the end of our day, it’s somewhere where I can hear running water, maybe it’s a river or a stream, or maybe it’s an ocean…

And we enjoy a glass of wine in a hot tub together looking out at a serene and peaceful backyard that is all ours.

Fast forward to this spring when something told me I had to drag him to an open house, even though I know he wasn’t keen on moving to a new town (even though our kids already go to school in this new town lol!).

We walked around the side of the house and through the back gate to find this.

I looked over at the hot tub and then said “do you hear that?”

He replied “yes… I hear the stream, you freak me out” lol!

I think it was at that moment he knew he wasn’t winning the “let’s stay in the townhouse” argument. #sorrynotsorry

The point is, it was HARD to get here, and we still are finding our way, but I truly believe that holding that vision in my mind led us here.

We’re here now for a reason. This is home, and I don’t think I ever want to leave.

It all starts with a dream, a vision, a plan… and that next right step.

Just start.
Twitch Hot Tub
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