Unwelcome Ian - GarrForce Cocktail Hour LIVE - September 30, 2022 - Video

Unwelcome Ian, the hurricane/tropical storm spared the part of Central Florida where our command central multicasts The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE to the internet on Fridays, so we anticipate an on-time September 30, 2022, wheels-up for the GarrForce at 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central. Jenna Duddleston, Official GarrForce Bartender will feature her September cocktail of the month, and our stock of yappetizers and nonsense should be roughly the same as always.

After a week like this though, with rough weather still out there, it could get bumpy. Please be responsible: make sure to get your beverage of choice or whatever near at hand before showtime, and you’re advised to keep your seatbelts fastened low and tight across your lap while we’re in flight.

The goo is real and no extra charge this week.

Our preferred platform for streaming the show is the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. All past shows can be replayed there at your convenience too. Visit "https://www.youtube.com/c/GarrforceLive" to subscribe, and then click the little bell icon to be notified when the show is live!

The show will also stream and be available for replay on Facebook: "https://facebook.com/TheGarryMeierShow"
and on Twitch: "https://twitch.tv/garrymeiershow"

Please tell your friends to stream along!

Comments are welcome during the show on all of our streaming platforms, and you can also text or leave voicemail at: 1.773.888.2157 (regular charges apply).
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